lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016


Resultado de imagen de first day at highschool

My first day at highschool was the 17th September of 2012. What I remember is that i was very nervous because there were a lot of people older than me and I don't know the majority of my class mates. Also I didn't like the idea to be in different classes, but I was with Andrea so it wasn't too bad, because I had a good friend in my class. 
That morning, as soon as I arrived to the highschool I met my friends and my cousin. She and other students painted us a "P" in our face. It's like a tradition on this highschool, when you arrived to first of ESO the people older than you could paint you a "P". 



Last weekend I was with my family in the car. We were going to visit my uncle and aunt who live in Valladolid. Suddendly our car crushed with a skunk which was walking in the middle of the highway. The car stoppe, there weren't any shop or house arround us. So we decided to phone a towl-vehicle, but there was no service. We started walking. Hours later we arrived to a lake and there we founded an old house, there weren't anyone inside it so we assumed this was an abandom house. Then we openned the house's door and came inside, we saw a sofa and a bed son we rested there for some hours. We were sleeping when a woman entered and said to us that we were in her house. She was a nice woman, she invited us for a meal and took us to the nearest mechanic. He was fixing our car all day and when he finished we said goodbye to the woman who helped us. At last we went to our uncle's and aunt's house. They couln't believe what had happend in our trip.