miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017



Resultado de imagen de robot
Robotic has been evolving during the last years. In the next lines I’m going to explain its growth.
The first robot created in the History was called ELSIE (Electro-Light-Sensitive Internal-External) made in England in 1953. This robot simply followed a light using a mechanic system without incorporating additional intelligence. Some years later, the Standford Research Institute created the robot SHACKEY, which contained a vision camera, tactile sensors and it could move around the floor. In the 1970s the NASA cooperated with a laboratory, and both created the MARS-ROVER, with cameras, sensors and laser. Ten years later appeared two more robots: CARL and CMU-ROVER, with orientation, images processor, more and best cameras.
Nowadays, the robotic gets ambitious models of robots. Some examples of this kinds of robots are IT, COG, SOUJOURNER or the LUNAR ROVER. More specific robots are the CYPHER, which is a military helicopter, ANZEN TARO, a Japanese traffic guard or the pet robots of SONY.

This is the beginning of the “Robotic Era”. 



Imagen relacionada

Bandicoot of pork feet, Norfolk Kaka, Black Rhinoceros of West Africa, Caspian Tiger, Blue Antelope, Caribbean monk seal, Quagga. This are examples of the multitude of animals which have disappeared in the last 250 years. Moreover, more than 28 animals are in danger of extinction.

Some examples of this animals in danger of extinction are: the red tuna because it’s used as an ingredient to make sushi, the Mexican grey wolf whose specie has almost disappeared or the snow leopard whose specie is threaten by the human invasion in their habitats.
As you can see in the previous examples, some of the causes of the animal extinction are: destruction of the habitat, illegal hunting and capture, overexploitation, introduction of exotic species and diseases, contamination and the climate change.
What can we do to stop the number of species which are disappearing? Unless it’s a difficult problem we can do things like: prohibit the hunting of animals, avoid forest deforestation and the contamination of natural resources, and promote plans to protect animals in danger. But you can help eating less meat and recycling as a way to protect the habitats.

If we work together, we can reduce the extinction of animals. 

jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017


Resultado de imagen de FEMALE RIGHTS
It’s known that female position in society has changed since the beginning of times to nowadays. We’re going to analyse this change around the last 75 years.
At that time a woman was completely dependant on her parents. It was common that the oldest girl helped her mother to look after her brothers or sisters and to do the housework. As soon as the girl was 18 she got married and became dependant on her husband, she spent the day in the house with their children. She couldn’t do anything which her husband didn’t like or took any decision without talking with him. What it is more, this woman didn’t think on her own, she was just a doll controlled first by her father and then by her husband.

Nowadays female rights have considerately changed, women have changed from the inferior position to the woman who control her own life. Even though female rights have increased heavily in the last decades, men and woman don’t have still the same rights but we are near to get the equality.

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017



Resultado de imagen de australia

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017



Resultado de imagen de eiji aonuma zelda

Eiji Aonuma was born in Nayoga, Japan, the 16th of May, 1963. He had got a degree in design at the Fine Arts and Music’s National University in Tokio in 1988.
At the age of 25 he had started working in the videogame company, Nintendo. There he had met Shigeru Miyamoto (Mario Bros’ creator) and had worked with him creating sprites for Nintendo Entertainment System games, more known as NES, at the 1990s.
Thanks to this work Miyamoto named him the director of the “The legend of Zelda” department, which was created by Aonuma and Miyamoto. There Aonuma spent several years designing Zelda’s firsts videogames: “Ocarina of Time” and its sequel “Majora´s Mask”, both for the Nintendo 64 console. The first was appointed the Game of the Year in 1999. During the next years he designed “The Wind Waker” for the Nintendo Cube.
Later, he designed one of the most successful videogames for Wii, “The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess”. Because of this game he was nominated Designer of the Year in Electronic Gaming Monthly´s 2006 1Up Awards.
After the Nintendo DS launch, he designed two videogames for this console: “The legend of Zelda: Spirits Tracks” and “Phantom Hourglass”.
In 2011 he launched “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword”, and two years later, “The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds” for the Nintendo 3DS. The latter was nominated the Game of the Year in 2013.

His last work was producing “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” for the Wii U and Nintendo Switch, which was launched the 3rd March 2017.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017