miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017



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Bandicoot of pork feet, Norfolk Kaka, Black Rhinoceros of West Africa, Caspian Tiger, Blue Antelope, Caribbean monk seal, Quagga. This are examples of the multitude of animals which have disappeared in the last 250 years. Moreover, more than 28 animals are in danger of extinction.

Some examples of this animals in danger of extinction are: the red tuna because it’s used as an ingredient to make sushi, the Mexican grey wolf whose specie has almost disappeared or the snow leopard whose specie is threaten by the human invasion in their habitats.
As you can see in the previous examples, some of the causes of the animal extinction are: destruction of the habitat, illegal hunting and capture, overexploitation, introduction of exotic species and diseases, contamination and the climate change.
What can we do to stop the number of species which are disappearing? Unless it’s a difficult problem we can do things like: prohibit the hunting of animals, avoid forest deforestation and the contamination of natural resources, and promote plans to protect animals in danger. But you can help eating less meat and recycling as a way to protect the habitats.

If we work together, we can reduce the extinction of animals. 

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